Tuesday, 12 June 2012

TIE DYE/ OMBRE/ DIP DYE. Step by Step!

Tie dye is so on trend right now so I though I would customise some plain white t-shirts & share with you the step-by-step :)

You need: 
-Clothes to customise. 100% cotton t-shirts, vests, jumpers etc. 
-Choose some dye. You can use as many colours as you like. 
-Salt (very important)
-elastic bands
-Rubber gloves

To start with choose what colours you like the best. If you are choosing more than one colour make sure they compliment each other. I chose a maroon shade by Dylon called: Burlesque Red and Powder Pink. Don't forget your salt! You will need approx 1000g. 

Now you need to collect everything that you want to tie-dye. You may decide you like one style of tie-dye and use the same techniques with all of your clothes. It was my first time tie-dyeing so I wanted to try out a few different techniques. To create the circle effect, use your elastic bands and tie them in knots on your fabric. You can also tie knots with your t-shirt to create a nice effect. 

Different tie-dye effects.
Tie knots with your vest for a nice swirl effect.
Once you have all of you tshirts in elastic bands/ knotted up and ready to go soak them in warm water. I filled my bath a little bit and found it was the easiest place to put them.

Tshirts and vest soaking in warm water.

Next step is to get your dyes ready:
1. Using your rubber gloves, dissolved your dye in 500ml of warm water.
2. Fill large bowl/container or stainless steel sink with 6 liters of warm water. 
3. Stir in 250g of salt. 
4. Add your dye and stir well.
5.Add your fabric. 

For Ombre/dip dye fabrics then only add half of the fabric to the dye or as much as you would like.

6. Rinse out your fabrics in cold water. Wash in warm water and dry away from direct heat or sunlight!

Fabrics submerged in the pink dye. You can see some are only half in for the ombre/dip dye effect.

Ombre effect drying.

Elastic band swirl effect. Parts were dipped in burlesque red.

More ombre effect.

Final result!



Buy my tie-dye items here: http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/katiehandyb

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